Learn Latin, Languages & History on Hadrian's Wall

Tours Overview

With her in-depth knowledge of the North East of England and the Scottish Borders, their history and legends, Catherine is able to offer a wide variety of guided tours to suit a range of interests.

Catherine’s tours of Vindolanda, the Roman Army Museum, and Housesteads, can be undertaken as stand-alone tours, or as part of a course in Latin or modern languages. Catherine can also guide you along numerous other Roman sites on or near Hadrian’s Wall.

In addition, Catherine can guide you around other sites of interest in Northumberland and the Scottish Borders. Whether you are interested in the Border Reivers, Sir Walter Scott, Bonny Prince Charlie, or the exploits of the early archaeologists in the region, Catherine has something to offer you.

If you choose one of Catherine’s guided tours you are guaranteed a warm welcome, and a fascinating insight into the region, from an experienced and enthusiastic host.

Catherine is happy to tailor tours specifically for individuals or groups. She is also able to conduct tours in Spanish, French and Italian, as well as English. Please contact her here to discuss your requirements.

ipsa scientia potestas est...
...knowledge itself is power
Windy Gyle Windy Gyle

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Copyright © 2025 Catherine Jarvis of Hands-on-Latin. All Rights Reserved.
photography © copyright 2013 David Taylor